What lies on the following pages are natural health and wellness articles to show you how to improve your health so that you reduce illness or improve your immune system.
You'll only find simple, natural methods that are easy to implement.
The information of this website does not substitute for high quality medical care. Please consult with your physician before taking any supplements or making substantial changes in lifestyle, diet, or physical activity.
Good health is achieved through small changes - one step at a time. That is what I mean by approaching wellness. We all can improve, no matter where we are on our journey.
With more and more strains of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, a strong immune system is by far our best defense.
In fact, battling germs actually does boost immune system health.
Think about this analogy: If you want to make you muscles stronger, what do you do? You hit the gym and challenge those muscles, right?
It's the same thing with your immune system.
You can't strengthen the immune system when you live in a sterilized (read "Cloroxed") environment. Just like you can't strengthen your muscles by sitting on the couch all day.
Without use - everything in the natural world weakens.
But don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to start actively searching out germs. We need to go over how to GET that immune system boost FIRST, so you can be victorious over those germs when you do run into them.
Several scientific theories bolster the idea that exercise is one of the best ways to BOOST immunity, such as:
That is WHY Approach Wellness recommends a moderate exercise program six (6) days a week, such as:
For the most convenience, I like to bounce around while watching television or listening to a podcast. That's why I highly recommend the belliconTM rebounder. The bellicon (stylized with a lower-case "b") provides a simple, inexpensive, and space saving way to get started with moderate exercise in the comfort of your home. And, the bellicon helps build strength and maintain bone density, benefits that normally only come from high impact exercise such as jogging and weight lifting.
So if you're tired of feeling down, check out some of the natural health topics here that interest you, and let's get started Approaching Wellness one step at a time.
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- Loren M., TX
I had been struggling to find cure for my health problems for last few years without any success. Your site is the best help and now at least I know which directions to go.
- Depak S., Maharashtra, India
I absolutely LOVE your site, the info you offer and the service you give by educating people about natural health.
- Dawn, WI