Natural Body Detox While Breastfeeding or Pregnant

by Annie
(Boston, Ma)

I'm breastfeeding my 16-month-old but am desperate to do a detox? This is not safe to do until I stop nursing - correct?



Hi Annie,

I always say that when you feel the need to do a natural body detox, you do it - EXCEPT when either pregnant or breastfeeding.

Toxins released during the cleanse will get into your bloodstream and your milk as well. Our bodies are polluted enough as it is and we don't want to give the baby any additional pollutants.

See the Human Toxome Project for more information on the kinds of chemicals that are being found in our bodies (and our babies).

You might want to consider using a rebounder. It detoxifies the body very gently and would be good for both mom and baby!

Also, as an aside, please also consider getting your vitamin D levels checked. I've been reading so many stories lately of breastfed babies being severely vitamin D deficient because their mothers were too.

Breast milk is FAR superior to formula - just make sure your precious little one is getting enough vitamin D.

Living in New England puts you at even greater risk for deficiency, as the sun is only strong enough to allow your skin to make vitamin D during the summer months. If you use sunscreen, you won't even be getting any vitamin D then.

The benefits of vitamin D are so numerous yet most doctors are still oblivious about it.

Wishing you (and your little one) the best of health,

Approach Wellness

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