We are practically being hit over the head with people telling us that the polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils are good for us – great for us even!
Well, it's simply not true. In fact, it is the very opposite of true.
These oils are suppressing your immune system, aging you beyond your years, and contributing to major health problems.
Why? Simple.
The manufacturers of these oils do not care about you or your health – they care about their profits. And the way they are preparing and marketing these oils shows just that.
Don’t believe me? If so, that's fine. But before you make up your mind, check out these undisputed facts:
Good question, since we can taste or smell other foods to tell if they have gone bad.
And this is what bothers me the most about these vegetable oil manufacturers.
The rancid smell and taste is disguised by purifying, bleaching, and deodorizing the vegetable oil. They don't call it that though – they call it "refined vegetable oil."
You see, most of these oils need to be heated for processing. So they have already gone bad right from the beginning. But then these fats degrade further when they are put in a clear bottle and allowed to sit on a shelf in a brightly lit room at a warm temperature.
But the substances that react with the free radicals - which produce the bad smell and taste designed to warn us - have been removed in the refining process.
So you buy it and take it home. And open it and use it in cooking and baking.
More light, more heat, more oxygen.
And so it continues to degrade. You are exposed to more and more free radicals that are completely wreaking havoc on your body.
And you have no idea because the refining process masks its rancidity!
This is the easy part. Follow these tips to improve your health and boost your immune system.