Problems with pHion Test Strips
by Anonymous
I used to have some pH paper that was very dependable. Within a week, I would see results that my body pH was changing.
However, I cannot find any more of this paper and I bought the pHion strips. These strips have registered the same colour for the last three weeks, even though I am doing exactly what I have done before, juicing with green juices etc. and I should be seeing some change of pH.
I wish I could get some of the previous testing paper, but it is nowhere to be found. I cannot locate it in any health food store or pharmacy.
I am not too certain about these strips, and when I noticed on this site that there are supplements that promote pH balance, it seems a bit odd after what I am experiencing with the strips.
I thought you should be aware of this as I can assure you that when I have been faithfully juicing, I do get results.
Is it then possible that the strips are defective?
My daughter, who is juicing with me, also gets exactly the same results.
We have a water filtration system in our home, and use organic produce. I can think of no other reasons... Maybe you could shed some light on this, because at this moment, I am very confused.
RESPONSE:Thank you for your question. I can understand your confusion. May I ask what your readings are? Are they in the very acidic range, or just mildly acidic?
I can assure you pHion products are excellent. I've been using them for many years, as well as my family, friends, and many visitors to this site. They receive an
"A+" rating from the Better Business Bureau and are a BBB Accredited Business.
I suppose there may be a possibility that you got a bad batch...? Sounds like a call to the company would be a good idea.
I asked about your reading above because I had one family member that swore up and down that these strips didn't work. The strips never changed color! Turns out he was so acidic that the strips weren't registering. He had a lot of the signs of
acidosis though...and a poor diet to match. After a three month cleansing program from
DrNatura, the strips finally started registering.
This doesn't sound like your situation though. Still, I'm curious about your reading.
Have you tried right after you eat? If you have enough alkaline mineral reserves, you should see your
saliva pH spike soon after a meal.
I also found some pH tape for you, since you prefer it to strips anyway.
Amazon carries pH Test Tape here.
Hope this helps.
Wishing you the best of health,
Approach Wellness